December 25, 2006

Who is Eve or where Yahoo! delivers our mail?

Update: As redbeard has commented "'ok dirdel' is just short of 'OK received for direct delivery' i.e. not delivery by relay.", below is just an exercise in conspiracy theory. Proceed at your own risk.

Recently i was involved in some mail system configuration. Besides all the usual mail this particular server used to send newsletters on a weekly basis. Not a lot, but enough to be blocked by creations like Hotmail and Yahoo.

While watching server logs i noticed that Yahoo always say "250 ok dirdel" when accepting mail for delivery. At first i thought it's some kind of a joke
left by Yahoo sysadmin. Subtle reference to "delete directory"? But that didn't make much sense. I don't like missing a joke, especially a technical one.

Quick search got me Yahoo Mail Help. Which states at the very end:
"If you do not see these or similar error messages, you should see an SMTP confirmation code similar to "250 ok dirdel" that indicates your message has been delivered."
Once i finished reading the sentence it hit me. There is a pattern!

d i r
e v e
l e d


I call it a sandwich :)

It seems to me, that "dirdel" is more then just a general randomness of life.
Hence the question: Who is Eve and where does Yahoo! deliver our mail?


Tal said...

I love your idea, but 'ok dirdel' is just short of 'OK received for direct delivery' i.e. not delivery by relay.

Anonymous said...

Thats okay... when I first saw 'dirdel' I thought it meant 'Direct Delete', i.e. yahoo thought it was spam and is going to silently delete it after accepting it.

Anonymous said...

rotflmao thanks now I know what 'dirdel' means and I like your interpretation too! very funny, everything can mean anything if you get creative enough!